Responsible Care: MOMG sponsors Responsible Care Awards 2007/2008

Category: News Published: Tuesday, 21 July 2009

The Malaysian Oleochemical Manufacturers Group supported and sponsored the Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia sixth Responsible Awards which recognizes Responsible Care signatories who have made the most progress in implementing the Six Codes of Management Practices. MOMG is a product group under the umbrella of CICM and all MOMG members are Responsible Care signatories. Awards were given in the following sectors viz Petrochemicals, Oleochemicals, Agricultural Chemicals and General Chemicals. The winners on 8th July 2009 in the category Oleochemicals were:-

Distribution Code
Acidchem International Sdn Bhd (GOLD)
Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd (SILVER)
Natural Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (MERIT)
Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (MERIT)

Community Awareness and Emergency Response Code
Emery Oleochernicals (M) Sdn Bhd (GOLD)
Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (SILVER)
Acidchem International Sdn Bhd (MERIT)

Pollution Prevention Code
Acidchem International Sdn Bhd (GOLD)
Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd (SILVER)
Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (MERIT)
Emery Oleochemicals (M) Sdn Bhd (MERIT) 

Process Safety Code
Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd (GOLD)
Acidchem International Sdn Bhd (SILVER)
Natural Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (MERIT) 

Employee Health and Safety Code
Acidchem International Sdn Bhd (GOLD)
Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd (SILVER)
Natural Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (MERIT)
Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (MERIT) 

Product Stewardship Code
Natural Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (GOLD)
Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (SILVER)
Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd (MERIT) 

Our heartiest congratulations to the winners!

In conjunction with the above a two day Responsible Care Seminar was held and on the day of sharing of best practices Mr S Thiruvarudchelvan Subramaniam, Operations Manager, Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd presented a paper on “Implementation of Pollution Prevention Code” at his company.


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