REACh Update August 2010
At ECHA’s Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement the facts report of the REACH-EN-FORCE 1 project was presented at its Workshop on 18 May 2010. Inspectors found that nearly a quarter of companies recently inspected were found to be non-compliant with the REACh regulations. Of the companies inspected in EU 24% were found to either have failed to pre-register chemicals or pre-registered them incorrectly, or to have missing or incorrect safety data sheets (SDS). Further details can be found at this link
At the second Global Helsinki Chemicals Forum 20-21 May 2010 Geert Dancet, ECHA’s executive director announced that ECHA and Environment Canada, the Canadian federal government/s environmental department, have signed an accord to collaborate and share information on chemicals regulation. He said that ECHA is also in negotiations with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Australia’s National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS).
ECHA publishes on a weekly basis the list of EC numbers, substance names and whether a Lead Registrant has been appointed. As of 4/8/10 the SIEF formed is 2670.
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