Malaysian Oleochemical Manufacturers Group (MOMG)
The oleochemical industry in Malaysia started in the early 1980's. As the industry attracted more producers, the Malaysian Oleochemical Manufacturers Group (MOMG) was established in January 1984.
The Group works closely with the Government, the academia and other relevant organisations. It also represents the industry in various government dialogues and forums. It is also affiliated to the ASEAN Oleochemical Manufacturers Group (AOMG), which represents the oleochemical industry players in ASEAN.
MOMG is also a product group of the Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia (CICM) and its members are committed to conduct its business in a socially responsible manner, i.e. through Responsible Care, a global initiative representing the chemical industry's commitment to continuous improvement of all aspects of safety, health and environment protection of their operations.
MOMG consists of 9 members, all located in Peninsular Malaysia, with major products being basic oleochemicals namely, fatty acids, methyl esters, glycerine and fatty alcohols. The industry comprises both local and several joint-venture companies with multinationals.
Since the early eighties, the industry expanded rapidly and today the Malaysian oleochemical industry is one of the largest oleochemical industry, accounting for 20% of the global capacity.
The oleochemical industry in Malaysia is nearly totally dependent on indigenous raw materials, i.e. palm oil and its derivatives and palm kernel oil as the feedstocks for the various basic oleochemical products. In this respect, the Malaysian oleochemical industry is contributing significant additional revenue over the basic value of the commodity oils.
The objectives of MOMG are:
- To promote and foster the interests of the Malaysian oleochemical industry.
- To liaise and co-operate with the Government of Malaysia on matters relating to oleochemicals, the development of the industry and the export of oleochemicals.
- To represent the Malaysian oleochemical industry wherever appropriate in accordance with item 1.
- To co-operate and pursue dialogue with any other Society or Association having objectives altogether or in part similar to the MOMG and to procure from and to communicate to any such information as may be likely to forward the objectives of the oleochemical industry of Malaysia.
- To collect, obtain, publish and disseminate information relating to the industry and trade and all matters connected therewith as may be of service to the members.
The Malaysian Oleochemical Manufacturers Group (MOMG) is led by its Executive Committee (EXCO) . Two sub-committees have also been established to support the MOMG Executive Committee to address issues of concern and interest of the oleochemical industry, i.e. the MOMG Technical Committee and the MOMG Trade / Regulatory Affairs Committee.
MOMG Executive Committee
Chairman: Mr Tan Kean Hua, Acidchem International Sdn Bhd
Deputy Chairman: Mr A K Yeow, Palm-Oleo Sdn Bhd
EXCO Members: Dr Kongrapan Intrajang, Emery Oleochemicals (M) Sdn Bhd
Mr Osamu Tabata, Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd
Mr Ralph Sommer, FPG Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd
Mr Syed Azizur Rahman, Iffco (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Mr Wong Seng Lee, Natural Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd
Mr GC Tan, Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd
Mr Tiong Chuu Ling, Southern Acids (M) Bhd
MOMG Technical Committee
Chairman: Mr Gerard Wang, Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd
Deputy Chairman: Dr Yap Soon Chee, Emery Oleochemicals (M) Sdn Bhd
MOMG Trade / Regulatory Affairs Committee
Chairman: Mr A K Yeow, Palm-Oleo Sdn Bhd
Deputy Chairman: (vacant)
MOMG Members
MOMG consists of 11 members all located in Peninsular Malaysia and comprises both local and several joint-venture companies with multinationals. The list of MOMG members are as follows:
1. Acidchem International Sdn Bhd
2. Emery Oleochemicals (M) Sdn Bhd
3. Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd
4. FPG Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd
5. Iffco (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
6. Natural Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd
7. Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd
8. Palm-Oleo Sdn Bhd
9. Southern Acids (M) Bhd
Apart from the quarterly meetings held by the MOMG Executive Committee and its two sub-committees, MOMG also participates in various dialogues, meetings and committees by the Government Ministries / Departments and other organisations, such as:
- The Chairman is the MOMG's representative to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board
- A member of the Oils and Fats Standard Committee under the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
- A member of the National Steering Committee on REACH Implementation chaired by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
- Annual dialogue and meetings with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
- Meetings with the Ministry of Plantation Industry and Commodities (MPIC) on issues of concern